How did bees stop Mark Zuckerberg’s AI dream project? Meta CEO explained the reason

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s AI dream project is being eclipsed by bees. Zuckerberg has explained the reason behind it. Meta, one of the world’s leading technology companies, was to build its AI data center, but a rare species of bee has put the project on hold. Mark Zuckerberg wanted to build this AI data center in a place where nuclear power is easily available.

The AI ​​Dream project is on hold

According to American media reports, a rare species of bee has been found at the site where this AI data center was supposed to be built, making it look like the dream project is now on the back burner. Mark Zuckerberg was going to deal with an American nuclear power energy operator for this project. In a report last week, an employee related to the company said it was difficult to get regulatory permission due to the discovery of a rare bee species. Even if permission is granted, the company will have to comply with several government regulations, which may hamper the work of the project.

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Looking for meta alternatives

According to the report, Mark Zuckerberg said during a meeting with his employees that Meta would also have a nuclear-powered AI data center if the deal had gone ahead. However, the company is still willing to find another way to realize this dream project. Zuckerberg told employees they would have to look elsewhere now that rival companies were investing in nuclear power.

Google and Microsoft are challenging

Companies like Google and Microsoft could prove to be big competitors for Meta in the AI ​​sector. Both these companies have been working in the AI ​​sector for many years. Google has even announced that from 2030 the company will use nuclear power plants to power its data centers. A nuclear reactor will be prepared for this. Google has started working with start-up company Kairos Power for this project. At the same time, Microsoft and Amazon have also prepared AI data centers running on nuclear energy.

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AI Data Center

AI data centers store large amounts of data, using which AI tools work. AI data centers have large and complex equipment installed, which require large amounts of electricity. Nuclear power is considered suitable for providing continuous power to these data centers. Equipment used in AI data centers includes high performance servers and networking infrastructure in addition to storage systems.

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