Search this line on Google by mistake, everything will be hacked, you will become poor

Security researchers have issued a new warning regarding Google Search. If we want to get any information then we go to google search first. Nowadays cyber criminals are taking advantage of this habit of ours. Cyber ​​crime cases have also increased due to rapidly increasing internet users. Cyber ​​criminals are busy deceiving people in new ways every day.

Cyber ​​security firm SOPHOS has discovered one such phrase, which if searched on Google, can give cybercriminals access to your personal information and empty your bank account. A security firm has discovered a program called Gootloader, through which cybercriminals can steal your personal and banking details.

Theft of personal information

Cybercriminals specifically target keywords that are used in searches using SEO i.e. search engine optimization. Searching these terms on Google, will open a link, clicking on which will activate the Gootloader and give cybercriminals access to your system.

SOPHOS has issued a warning to users who mistakenly Googled Are Bengal cats legal in Australia? Don’t search for phrases. By searching for this phrase, the first link found will be automatically clicked and your personal information will reach the hackers. A cyber security firm says that cybercriminals are targeting users who search for 6 words.

Using SEO poison

The security firm said in its warning that along with legitimate marketing links, cybercriminals are showing users adware containing viruses in the results. Users searching for information related to Australia on Google are being targeted by SEO. Cybercriminals have named this method SEO poisoning. By tampering with SEO results, cybercriminals are showing virus-laden links to people in Google search results. Security researchers have warned that if a user accidentally falls victim to this, they should immediately change their password, PIN, etc.

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