Behold, the era of AI has arrived! A painting made by a robot, bid in crores

AI is doing new wonders these days. New York’s humanoid robot Ai-D has done something that will surprise you. This humanoid robot used artificial intelligence, i.e. AI, to create a painting of the father of computer science and mathematician Mathison Alan Turing. Crores of rupees have been bid for this painting. This is probably the first painting made by any robot.

11 crore auction

This painting by Ai-D was recently auctioned for around Rs 11.13 crore. The auction of this painting is organized by an organization called Sadbij. Let us tell you that the humanoid robot Ai-D started painting from the year 2022. The robot has been developed by Aidan Mellor in collaboration with AI experts from the University of Oxford and Birmingham.

The painting, made by a robot, received 27 bids and was bought by an anonymous person from America. According to a report in The New York Times, the painting was exhibited in the name of AI God, which features a portrait of the British mathematician. More than 1 million dollars was bid for this. 1.8 lakh dollars for this painting i.e. about Rs. 1.5 crore was the initial bid.

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Who is Ai-Da?

Ai-Da is a humanoid robot, named after the 19th century mathematician Ada Lovelance. Ada is known as the world’s first computer programmer. This humanoid robot was developed by modern art expert Adam Meller in 2019. The robot has been developed by a team of more than 30 AI researchers from Birmingham and Oxford Universities in collaboration with Aidan Mellor.

This humanoid robot has been given female facial features. This robot is capable of drawing and painting. For this, the robot uses a camera in its eyes. The camera provided in it uses AI algorithm and the painting is done by a robotic arm. According to the report, this humanoid robot has created 15 different paintings so far.

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